The view from this castle

June 25, 2018 | 3 minutes

Family homes are investments; not only in the bricks and mortar but also the emotions which develop within them.  The investment in the home can be as great for married and unmarried couples, but the options are materially different depending on the marital status of the couple and the legal position which results.

When relationships end, change is inevitable and moving home is a part of that for the majority of families.

The challenge for family lawyers is to help and assist in managing that change in the best interests of their clients and their family.

Family wealth is hard earned and as such it is the responsibility of all lawyers involved in matters to ensure that the needs of the parties (and particularly any children) are the forefront consideration.

This can be helped, or hindered, by the management of expectations and the creation of an appropriate and meaningful dialogue with the parents and other relevant family members.  For example, grandparents may have a financial interest in the property.

Here at Ingram Advocates we recognise the difficulties faced when relationships come to an end and that our role is to advise both in relation to the live issues, but also to be mindful of the overriding objective, to be proportionate, to be mindful of costs and to encourage a dialogue whenever and wherever possible.

For more information on this topic, please contact Chris Hillier or any member of The Team.

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